86 Union Street, Medford New Jersey 08055
free parking
Parking at Freedom Park is limited, but there are great options nearby.
Handicap-accessible parking available onsite while spaces last
Overflow handicap-accessible parking at Police Department Building, 91 Union Street
Medford Medical Center, Union Street & Jones Road
Sharp’s Run Plaza Shopping Center, Route 70W at lighted intersection with Jones Road
Medford Center Shopping Center, corner of Route 70E and Jones Road
Shop Rite Supermarket, Route 70E
Municipal Lot, Union Street @ Main Street (behind Gazebo)
Municipal Lot, 17 North Main St. (behind Medford Municipal Center)
BOE Bus Garage, Gill Road (off of Allen Avenue)
Medford Park, Gill Road (off of Allen Avenue)
Allen Elementary School, Allen Avenue
Haines & Memorial Middle School, Mill Street
free shuttle bus
A free shuttle bus will run on Friday night and all day Saturday from Sharps Run, Medford Center Shopping, and various Main Street locations to Freedom Park.
1. PARKING Sharps Run Shopping Center
2. Kings Road Brewery Main Street
3. Main Street Merchants Gazebo at Main Street
4. Lower Forge Brewery Main Street
5. Freedom Park - Oktoberfest
6. PARKING Medford Center Shopping